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The History of Ancient Greece

Jun 27, 2016

In this episode, we discuss the revolutionary changes in warfare that took place in the 8th and 7th centuries BC that were strictly Greek and reflect the abstract nature of the polis; the type of armor worn and weaponry employed by a typical hoplite; the organization and training of military forces; their application...

Jun 20, 2016

In this episode, we discuss the transitional governments in the early stages of the centrally unified polis (oligarchia and aristokratia), as the waning power of the basileis becomes supplanted by a small landowning group of nobles; the economic and social divisions between the nobles and commoners brought on by a spike...

Jun 13, 2016

In this episode, we discuss the community (demos) and household (oikos) in the late Dark Age; their socio-political and geographical unification (through a process called synoikismos), which lead to the city-state (polis) and brought about the transition from the Dark Age into the Archaic Period; and later Greek...

Jun 6, 2016

In this episode, we discuss early Greek religion as it was formalized in the writings of Homer and Hesiod; the various rituals that were performed when the Greeks worshipped their deities; the evidence for the earliest sanctuaries and hero cults in the 8th century BC that developed hand-in-hand with the city-state...