May 15, 2017
In this episode, we discuss the democratic machinations of Classical Athens in the mid-to-late 5th century BC; including the role that the Athenian statesman Pericles had on the radicalization of Athenian democracy, the magistracies, the ekklesia, the boule and prytaneis, the law courts and jurors, contemporary critiques...
May 8, 2017
In this episode, we discuss the years spanning 454-446 BC, covering Athens' increasingly imperialistic behavior and the final years of the First Peloponnesian War
Show Notes:
Intro by Rob and Jamie of the Totalus Rankium Podcast
May 1, 2017
In this episode, we discuss the years spanning 461-454 BC, covering the early part of the First Peloponnesian War / "The Undeclared War"
Show Notes:…war.html
Intro by Ahmet Ozakca of the Groovy Historian Podcast